Stimio guide
Die besten Lebensmittel und Ernährungspläne für deine Longevity
Der Schlüssel zu einem langen, gesunden Leben liegt nicht nur in den Genen, sondern auch in dem, was wir täglich essen. Eine ausgewogene Ernährung, die reich an den richtigen Nährstoffen...
Kalorienrestriktion und Fasten: Wissenschaftlich bewiesene Wege zur Lebensverlängerung
Einleitung: Warum Kalorienrestriktion und Fasten Langlebigkeit beeinflussen In der modernen Forschung zur Langlebigkeit und Stoffwechselgesundheit gibt es zwei Methoden, die immer wieder als wirksam erwiesen werden: Kalorienrestriktion (CR) und intermittierendes...
7 Daily Habits That Can Affect Your Health
In today’s fast-paced world, we often overlook small habits that can harm our health. Here are seven habits you should avoid – especially number 4 will surprise you! Sitting Too...
NMN and longevity: Professor Sinclair's recommendations for a longer life
David Sinclair, renowned biologist and professor at Harvard Medical School, has caused quite a stir with his research on longevity and his book "The End of Ageing". His theories on...
Healthy kidneys in old age
The kidneys are vital organs that are often overlooked until problems arise. But a healthy kidney is crucial for overall well-being and health, especially as we age. In this article...
How to maintain a healthy liver even as you age.
The liver is a vital organ that performs a variety of functions in the body. It plays a crucial role in metabolism, detoxification and storage of vital nutrients. Unfortunately, many...
Amyloid Deposits and Alzheimer's: Can Nattokinase Be a Key to Prevention?
Alzheimer's disease is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that primarily affects older people and is characterized by memory loss and cognitive and functional impairments. One of the central hypotheses in Alzheimer's...
Secrets of longevity: How to stay healthy and vital into old age!
Longevity and nutrition: key to vitality in old age The recognition that nutrition plays a central role in health and longevity is not new. Even in ancient China and antiquity,...